Season 2020-2021
Due to the current situation we are not able to give precise dates for our concerts. Nevertheless we are working on making all our events available on our YouTube channel.
More information about every single event will be communicated via our newsletter and website.

L’Amorosa Filosofia
Female madrigals from 16th century Italy. [Project page]
Music, guitar and political repression in Biedermeier Vienna. [Project page]
Caffè Cantata
A series of short concerts with Italian cantatas. [Project page]
Madrigali Ariosi
Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso and the Italian minstrel tradition in the 16th century. [Project page]
Santa Editta
A Baroque oratorio about the struggle between spiritual and material worlds. [Project page]
Le Donne Antique
Music, devotion and women’s emancipation in 16th century Ferrara. [Project page]
Flemish Mannerism (course concert)
Domestic music print in late Renaissance Flanders. [Read more]

Courses and Workshops
Solmisation workshop
An introduction to the Renaissance music pedagogy of the Guidonian hand. [Read more]
Teacher: Nicholas Cornia
Flemish Mannerism
A monthly course for our Musician supporters about domestic music in late Renaissance Flanders. The participants will be introduced in Renaissance music theory and part-book playing. [Read more]
Teacher: Nicholas Cornia
Fitzmaurice Voicework
Fitzmaurice Voicework® combines adaptations of classical voice training techniques with modifications of yoga, shiatsu, bioenergetics, energy work, and many other disciplines. [Read more]
Teacher: Leo Van Cleynenbreugel
Prosodia Italiana
A two day workshop for singers at any level to improve Italian diction. Group and individual sessions. [Read more]
Teacher: Ubaldo Fabbri
A two day workshop for early music singers and instrumentalists at any level about diminution techniques from the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Group and individual sessions. [Read more]
Teacher: Jean Tubery
Lichtenberg workshop
Individual sessions for singers at any level to discover the Lichtenberger method. [Read more]
Teacher: Priske Dehandschutter